Enable hrtf on Android
Michał Białecki
2013-04-22 20:58:37 UTC

I am developing sound application on Android and with openAL i managed to
have a few sources on a surface and I works great. Issue is that I can't
distinguish if source of sound is in front or in the back.

I tried to enable HRTF and I didn't managed. Somehow I can't get enough
sampling frequency on my phone. Log says that it fails to set frequency to
44100 and sets it to 22050. This is weird since my phone is quite new and I
checked it supports 44.1kHz.

I am working on windows and I don't have support for backends like alsa or
pulseaudio. Cound it be an issue? Has anyone succeed to have hrtf working
on Android?

Micha³ Bia³ecki
