OpenAL Soft, Windows and 64-bit
Ben Supnik
2012-11-04 17:29:37 UTC
Hi Y'all,

What is the status of OpenAL Soft and 64-bit Windows? It looks like
there is no pre-cut binary distro of the DLL; is the source in a state
where it can be compiled for 64-bits, or are there porting issues to be

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Chris Robinson
2012-11-05 06:41:55 UTC
Post by Ben Supnik
What is the status of OpenAL Soft and 64-bit Windows? It looks like
there is no pre-cut binary distro of the DLL; is the source in a state
where it can be compiled for 64-bits, or are there porting issues to be

OpenAL Soft builds fine for 64-bit Windows. I haven't been able to
personally run test apps with it, but I can't think of any reason it
won't work.

The main reason I haven't been able to provide a pre-built 64-bit DLL is
because I didn't have a cross-compiler that can target x64 Windows. But
I've since managed to get both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
mingw-w64 working, so the upcoming 1.15 release will have a 64-bit DLL
in addition to the 32-bit one.
